California Coalition for Workers Memorial Day
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Press Conference And Speak-Out
Against Attacks On Injured Workers
Don't Sign The SB 863 Bill!
September 6, 2012 9:00 AM
1515 Clay St. Oakland State Building
9:00 AM Press Conference
10:00 AM CHSWC Hearing in Auditorium

Stop Attacking Injured Workers
For Full Healthcare Rights and No More Insurance/Employer Control Of Workers Compensation
Stop Cost Shifting By The Insurance Industry and Employers

The Injured Workers National Network will be holding a press conference of
injured workers and injured worker advocates to oppose the recent anti-injured
worker bill SB 863 which passed through the legislature. The bill supposedly passed
to "reform" workers compensation is another frontal attack on injured workers.
The legislation was rushed through without the right of injured workers to have a voice
on how this legislation will affect them and was much like SB 899 which was passed under Schwarzenneger and left injured workers out to dry. No injured workers organization in California or nationally supported this bill. In fact these attacks on injured workers are taking place not only in California but throughout the country.
Under the new legislation, workers sleep disorders, sexual disorders and mental illness
would be excluded from compensation and medical treatment. This means that workers
suffering mental illness from bullying on the job which is widespread would not be able
to get medical coverage from workers compensation for their injuries.
It continues to allow company doctors including doctors not even licensed in California to
make medical determinations on injured workers without even making a physical examination.
This is a bill which benefits the insurance industry, will prevent prompt treatment of seriously injured workers and will allow further cost shifting by the insurance industry and employers onto state disability which has no healthcare component and social security disability.
The bill was supported of Governor Brown, the Department of Industrial Relations Christine Baker, Angie Wei, Chair of the California Commission On Health and Safety and Workers Compensation and California AFL-CIO Legislative Director along with the Democratic and Republican party. It is a major attack on seriously injured workers benefits and rights.

Initiated by Injured Workers National Network
Endorsed by California Coalition For Workers Memorial Day
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